We try harder


Brand Strategist

A weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs curious about building a stronger brand foundation for their businesses.

All things branding & marketing. Whether you're early in your career, a solomarketer, or a small business owner, my goal is to support you on your path to brand & marketing success.

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Every market has an overlooked gap that's ripe for the taking. Today, we're breaking down Avis's brilliant "We Try Harder" campaign - a perfect example of how brands can claim the uncontested high ground...

In the 1960s rental car world, Hertz was the undisputed heavyweight champ. With massive fleet size and location dominance, they lorded over the industry - claiming 61% market share.

And then there was Avis, a much smaller player.

For over a decade, Avis was mired in losses and stagnation. The company had gone 13 straight years without a profit, claiming jut 29% market share.

But in 1963, Avis did something brilliant.

They revisited their brand positioning, messaging, and strategy.

After analyzing their competitors - it was clear they lacked competitive advantage in areas like fleet size, number of rental locations, and car brands offered.

So, they turned a perceived weakness into a strength, and embraced their underdog status.

With three powerful words, they repositioned their brand: “We Try Harder.”

It was refreshingly honest.

Avis wasn’t pretending to be Hertz’s equal.

They were saying, “We’re not the best, but we’ll work harder to earn your trust and loyalty.”

The campaign leaned into their second-best positioning with bold, no-frills ads.

No slick artwork, just a clear promise that they’d go the extra mile because they had no choice but to do so.

People were drawn to the Avis hustle and belief in their hustle paid off.

The following year, Avis saw a 28% increase in car rentals and achieved its first profit in over a decade, narrowing the market share gap with Hertz.

By 1965, Avis had reduced the difference from 32 percentage points to just 13.

Avis taught us this:

The path to success isn’t to blindly mimic the leader.

It’s to find the open gap that nobody else owns, then relentlessy double down on it.

For Avis, that gap was trying harder than the behemoth Hertz.

They made a virtue out of their underdog status by promising to outsweat and outcare the incumbent.

It was an authentic brand narrative that Hertz would never replicate - because Hertz was already the giant. Avis’s hustle was their differentiator.

The takeaway here is this:

Locate the unoccupied high ground and stake your flag.

Find the gap that lets you go uncontested.

Create a brand story that only you can own.

Ready for a rebrand?

Winning in today's market goes beyond a scattered approach to marketing tactics; it demands a strategic and well-defined brand strategy and polished identity. Azelie Studio provides the clarity, direction, and design your business deserves to ensure your brand values, message, story, and presence speak to the right audience, and transform them into loyal customers. Azelie Studio sets out to help you create a brand legacy that endures, elevates, and empowers your business to thrive.

*We're at max capacity right now, but we're taking on 1-2 more clients in late October/November. If you're wanting to go into 2025 with a full brand strategy - Apply to work with us here.

Brand Strategist

A weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs curious about building a stronger brand foundation for their businesses.