The brands we admire do this 1 thing...


Brand Strategist

A weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs curious about building a stronger brand foundation for their businesses.

All things branding & marketing. Whether you're early in your career, a solomarketer, or a small business owner, my goal is to support you on your path to brand & marketing success.

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Inspiration for today's newsletter topic:

"The best marketing doesn't sell features or benefits; it sells the better you." - Kieran Flanagan

Here's how to apply it:

Imagine this:

You're in an unfamiliar city, running late for a speaking gig at a conference.

The address on your phone means nothing.

Every street and landmark looks the same.

The pressure of making it on time (without showing up sweaty and out of breath) is building.

That's when you tap the Uber app.

Within minutes, a car pulls up, and you slide into the back seat, greeted by a driver who knows this city like the back of their hand.

Suddenly, the unfamiliar becomes familiar.

The GPS guides your route, and that knot of anxiety in the pit of your stomach begins to unravel.

You'll get there on time, safely, and stress-free.

Uber didn't just provide you with a taxi service.

It gave you something far more valuable - peace of mind.

The assurance that no matter where you are, you'll never be lost or left behind.

(I might've been the main character in this scenario...)


Today's topic is inspired by a recent post by Kieran Flanagan, SVP Marketing at Hubspot. He says: "The best marketing doesn't sell features or benefits; it sells the better you."

This principle applies across industries.

It's not about the ride itself, but the experience - the "better you" (as he puts it) that your customers can become with your product or service.

Uber gets it.

They don't just advertise the convenience of a ride, but the confidence and calm it brings.


So, how can we implement this in our own brands?

Here's a starting point:

  1. Identify the Core Emotion: What deeper emotional need does your product fulfill?
  2. Map and Articulate the Experience: Frame your message around this emotion and ensure every touchpoint reinforces your promise of transformation
  3. Deliver Consistently: Your product has to live up to its promise. Reliability builds trust (and recurring customers and referrals).

Today, the ability to connect with your customers on an emotional level is a missed opportunity for many small/mid businesses.

When creating your next campaign, ask yourself:

Are you selling a product, or are you offering customers a better version of themselves?

Your product = the vehicle

The transformation it promises = the true destination

I'm curious to hear what you come up with,


P.S. Here are a few more brand examples mastering this approach:

  • Nike: Not just shoes, but the empowerment to "Just Do It" - becoming a better athlete.
  • Apple: Not just tech, but tools to fuel your creativity and innovation.
  • Peloton: Not just an exercise bike, but a community-driven path to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Lululemon: Not just activewear, but mindfulness and the pursuit of wellness
  • Airbnb: Not just lodging, but the experience of belonging anywhere in the world

Ready for a rebrand?

Winning in today's market goes beyond a scattered approach to marketing tactics; it demands a strategic and well-defined brand strategy and polished identity. Azelie Studio provides the clarity, direction, and design your business deserves to ensure your brand values, message, story, and presence speak to the right audience, and transform them into loyal customers. Azelie Studio sets out to help you create a brand legacy that endures, elevates, and empowers your business to thrive.

*We're at max capacity right now, but we're taking on 1-2 more clients in late October/November. If you're wanting to go into 2025 with a full brand strategy - Apply to work with us here.

Brand Strategist

A weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs curious about building a stronger brand foundation for their businesses.