A brilliantly simple social media strategy


Brand Strategist

A weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs curious about building a stronger brand foundation for their businesses.

All things branding & marketing. Whether you're early in your career, a solomarketer, or a small business owner, my goal is to support you on your path to brand & marketing success.

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Customer experiences = the best way to share your brand story. Today, I'm sharing how our local orchard and farmer's market has become the town's main attraction on social media (and IRL) through this simple, but brilliant customer-led social media strategy.

Cue the scene:

Imagine a sun-drenched field, bursting with the promise of summer - filled with families weaving through rows of bushes, filling their buckets with the orchard's ripest, most delicious berries.

For this orchard, it’s Instagram gold.

Except… for most small businesses, it isn't.

This scene is a social media mirage.


Typically, it’s because of this:

  • No marketing team or social media manager to capture the moments
  • No social media strategy or consistent posting schedule
  • No time for owners to create content themselves

Sound familiar?

The small business owner’s lament:

“I’m too busy running my business to post on social media.”

It’s the modern paradox of entrepreneurship.

You create incredible experiences every day, but sharing it feels like pulling teeth.

So, what if there was another way?

Enter: our local orchard.

They face the same struggle.

  • No fancy marketing team
  • No influencer budget

Just a small business growing berries, serving local families, and finding creative ways to bring the community to them.

Their secret weapon?

A social media photo contest.

Simple, but brilliant.

And it changed everything for this little orchard.

Here’s how it works:

  1. The orchard announces a photo contest every year
  2. Families submit pictures of their berry-picking adventures
  3. The orchard gets permission to use all the photos on social media

Suddenly, their social media posts are filled with real, raw customer experiences, user-generated content, and customer stories.

Hundreds of entries. A continuous stream of real experiences.

They turned their customers into their marketing team.

The lesson?

Your best marketer might be picking berries right now.

Your most compelling content could be in the hands of a 3-year-old tasting her first juicy strawberry right there on the field.

The question isn’t: “How can I create more content?”

It’s: “How can I empower my customers to help tell my story?”

Because ultimately, the best stories about your business aren’t the ones you tell.

They’re the ones your customers are eager to share.


Okay, but you might be thinking:

Cool, Dani. But I’m not selling sunshine and berries.

Here’s the thing:

Whether you are in the business of insurance, financial services, or selling plumbing supplies - every company is in the business of stories.

  • Actuarial tables = safeguarding someone’s dreams
  • Mutual fund = sending a kid to college
  • Pipe fittings = clean water to a family’s home

Uncover the stories hiding in plain sight.

These are your berries. These are your sun-drenched fields.

Your challenge isn’t to make your business “exciting”

It’s to reveal the transformation that exists in the everyday experiences you deliver to your customers.

Because whether you’re selling berries or bonds, pipe fittings or peace of mind, your business is built on human stories.

And those stories?

They’re the sweetest fruit of all. 🍓


P.S. My littlest spending hours on end picking every blueberry there is to pick :)

Ready for a rebrand?

Winning in today's market goes beyond a scattered approach to marketing tactics; it demands a strategic and well-defined brand strategy and polished identity. Azelie Studio provides the clarity, direction, and design your business deserves to ensure your brand values, message, story, and presence speak to the right audience, and transform them into loyal customers. Azelie Studio sets out to help you create a brand legacy that endures, elevates, and empowers your business to thrive.

*We're at max capacity right now, but we're taking on 1-2 more clients in late October/November. If you're wanting to go into 2025 with a full brand strategy - Apply to work with us here.

Brand Strategist

A weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs curious about building a stronger brand foundation for their businesses.