5 questions to nail brand positioning


Brand Strategist

A weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs curious about building a stronger brand foundation for their businesses.

All things branding & marketing. Whether you're early in your career, a solomarketer, or a small business owner, my goal is to support you on your path to brand & marketing success.

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Creating a brand positioning statement that resonates is an art (and a little science). The secret? Listening to the voices on the receiving end - your customers. Today we're talking about the top 5 questions I ask my clients' customers to help nail down their positioning and core differentiation.

Today, my calendar is booked with 30-min interviews.

But they’re not your typical interviews.

Instead, I’m diving into the hearts and minds of my client’s customers.

These customer interviews aren’t about formalities-

The goal? To find the crux of what truly sets their brand apart.

+ To hear about the problem or pain they had prior to working with my client

+ To understand the secret ambitions that fueled their search for a solution

+ To hear the tipping points that made them choose my client over others in the industry

+ To learn about the transformation they experienced after working with my client

+ To find recurring themes and patterns over conversations that illustrate how my client creates real difference

+ …and maybe grab a testimonial for my client, if I’m lucky 🙂

Positioning isn’t born in boardrooms filled with whiteboards and internal exec staff.

It’s found in the fires of real conversations with the very people your brand aims to serve.

Top 5 Questions for Customer Interviews

Here are the five questions that I’ve found to help uncover the gold.

1 / What problem or pain led you to seek out [brand]?

This helps me understand their true pain points and provides a fresh perspective on their needs, often challenging internal assumptions.

2 / What were your goals when you chose [brand]?

This uncovers their goals and success criteria, helping us understand what they are hoping to achieve by engaging with [brand].

3 / What made you choose [brand] over others?

This tends to generate a list of reasons, often highlighting unique selling points and brand guarantees that may have been overlooked.

4 / Can you describe the transformation or benefits you’ve experienced since working with [brand]?

This reveals the tangible benefits and emotional rewards customers have experienced with brand, giving the brand’s proof points.

5 / What parts of your experience with [brand] stand out the most?

From initial contact to ongoing support, this highlights the customer journey - identifying areas where the customer experienced exceptional service, faced challenges or friction points, or had particularly memorable interactions with the brand.


I map all of these on a table, like this:

Then, I do a quick thematic analysis on a chart like this:

And finally, land on a draft positioning statement using a template as a starting point:

For [target market]
Who [problemn]
Brand is the [brand category]
That [desired outcome]
Because it [reason to believe]


Now, this isn’t a final positioning statement. But it’s a solid starting point.

I’ll also do a competitive analysis to make sure the data aligns and confirm whether or not this play is a true “difference maker” or just more noise in the market.

But ultimately, this process gets us about 80% of the way there.

The result: ↓

A near-final positioning statement grounded in real customer experiences and expectations.

The real gold lies in customers’ stories and transformations, but can only really be captured (in their words / voice) when we take the time to ask.

Don’t be afraid to hop on a call with your customers and do some soul-searching.

The insights you gather will be invaluable in shaping a brand that speaks to your ideal customer’s needs and desires.


P.S. Please don't do customer interviews via a feedback link like Survey Monkey. Real conversations, over coffee even... They go such a long way for the client relationship.

Ready for a rebrand?

Winning in today's market goes beyond a scattered approach to marketing tactics; it demands a strategic and well-defined brand strategy and polished identity. Azelie Studio provides the clarity, direction, and design your business deserves to ensure your brand values, message, story, and presence speak to the right audience, and transform them into loyal customers. Azelie Studio sets out to help you create a brand legacy that endures, elevates, and empowers your business to thrive.

*We're at max capacity right now, but we're taking on 1-2 more clients in late October/November. If you're wanting to go into 2025 with a full brand strategy - Apply to work with us here.

Brand Strategist

A weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs curious about building a stronger brand foundation for their businesses.